Redball Social-RUN CLUB-East Pompano Beach-OCT22 Running · Co-Ed Social
Registration end dates do not guarantee that spots will be available until then. Registration will close as soon as the league reaches capacity
- Free Agent Fees
- Regular 25.0 + 0.99 Processing Fee
Redball Social -RUN CLUB-
Wednesday Night Adult Social Coed Run Club
FUN and Run
Starts 11/2/22 and runs on Wednesday Nights - JOIN NOW AND SAVE - Only $25 for a year!
Every week we will park and meet at Dangerous Minds. Stretching starts at 6:45 pm. We will then head to the Pompano Airpark path to run. After our run, is when we will have fun at Dangerous Minds! Runners will receive a Dry-Fit Run Club Shirt.
Stay up to date and join the Facebook group:

Official Run Club Bar:
Dangerous Minds Brewery
Drink and Food specials for Redballer's on run nights

Great Reasons to Join Redball Social
This is a fun coed social run club. After the run is when the fun continues at Dangerous Minds Brewery with Redballer member specials.
- Run, walk, skate or bike weekly with the club!
- Get exercise during the week while meeting new people
- Join races with the club at various 5ks, Mudruns, and more!
- No experience or tryouts required, we're a social club
- Fun theme nights & social events
- On-site league managers and representatives
- Fun awards during the season.